Paramedical Intervention Team Training

Introducing VR training to medical personnel has been a challenge that Proximus has taken on, with a particular focus on developing a Paramedical Intervention Team Training program. To showcase the potential of VR for medical training, OneBonsai was brought on board to create a solution that would meet the needs of medical experts and the Proximus team.
Working collaboratively, a VR training program was designed that not only met these needs but also provided a more realistic training setting for improved effectiveness and immersion. The outcome is a training software that combines classroom instruction with VR support, demonstrating the power of technology to enhance medical training.

The Challenge

Proximus Innovation team wants to explore how Virtual Reality can help them provide training services to the medical sector. To this end, together with OLV Aalst hospital, they outlined a Proof of Concept project which would train medical personnel to correctly react to an incident scene. In the professional sphere, this is known as the Paramedical Intervention Team training.

The Solution

The training application allows an instructor to provide classroom training supported by Virtual Reality. A trainee is put in the VR training, while the instructor sets up the VR session. To this end, the instructor can define the virtual patients and their ailments, and configure various settings of the VR environment. Once the session has started, the classroom can follow along and provide input on the various stages of the training.


The training system can easily be extended. Currently, it includes about 35 different training scenarios, allowing the instructor to provide a unique training experience to each trainee.

The Approach

The medical expert from OLV Aalst has helped us to detail the requirements of the training application. Through a simplified Design Sprint, we quickly defined the different steps of the current training and ported these steps to VR training. We ensured that the learning goals of the training would be met while optimizing the training experience.

The Outcome

Through employing Agile Development techniques, and building on top of its existing IT infrastructure (Virtual Instructor Platform, VIP), OneBonsai was able to provide a working solution within 2 months.

Proximus now will further enhance this training and provide it to different medical institutions. The training will become part of a library of training applications, that can be provided off-the-shelf to the healthcare sector.


To this end, the PIT training has been integrated into the VIP platform of OneBonsai where it can be offered alongside other training applications.

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What is VR training?

Virtual Reality (VR) training is using immersive technology such as VR headsets to practice certain skills or procedures. With VR training the emphasis is on the practical experience that the users experience. They can redo dangerous or difficult procedures as much as they like without any risk.

What are the benefits of VR in education?

Studies have shown the benefits of using VR for cognitive stimulation. Due to a higher immersion in the training, the retention of the educational content is increased. Safer training: eliminating the risk of employees getting hurt or damaging equipment. It is also more cost-effective, allowing you to train multiple people for the same training at once. 

Are there disadvantages to using Virtual Reality?

A small percentage of people experience nausea or might feel disoriented when using VR, which can sometimes lead to a negative experience.

Mobile VR vs PC VR, What is the difference?

We consider every VR headset that does not require a PC as Mobile VR. The best examples of Mobile VR are; Oculus Quest 1 or 2, Pico Neo 3 or 4, etc… PC VR requires an external PC to run the VR software in the VR headset. With this extra computing power it allows to have more realistic graphics or physics simulations (such as smoke development).

How long should a training session be in VR?

We recommend short sessions varying from 10 to 20 minutes tops.


What is VR training?

Virtual Reality (VR) training is using immersive technology such as VR headsets to practice certain skills or procedures. With VR training the emphasis is on the practical experience that the users experience. They can redo dangerous or difficult procedures as much as they like without any risk.

What are the benefits of VR for learning?

Studies have shown the benefits of using VR for cognitive stimulation. Due to a higher immersion in the training, the retention of the educational content is increased. Safer training: eliminating the risk of employees getting hurt or damaging equipment. It is also more cost-effective, allowing you to train multiple people for the same training at once. 

VR for blended learning?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a useful tool for blended learning because it allows learners to experience immersive and interactive simulations, which supplement traditional classroom or online learning. VR can enhance engagement and retention of information, provide a more memorable learning experience, and offer access to resources and experiences that may not be available through traditional learning methods.

Mobile VR vs PC VR, What is the difference?

We consider every VR headset that does not require a PC as Mobile VR. The best examples of Mobile VR are; Oculus Quest 1 or 2, Pico Neo 3 or 4, etc… PC VR requires an external PC to run the VR software in the VR headset. With this extra computing power it allows to have more realistic graphics or physics simulations (such as smoke development).

What is XR? (Extended Reality)

XR is a term that refers to extended reality, which is an umbrella term for immersive technologies that enhance, blend, or replace reality with computer-generated content. XR includes virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies.

What is standalone VR

Standalone VR refers to virtual reality headsets that don’t require a connection to a computer or a gaming console to function. These headsets have all the necessary hardware, including the processor, the display, the sensors, and the battery, built into the device itself.

How long should a training session be in VR?

We recommend short sessions varying from 10 to 20 minutes tops. But complete courses can go up to multiple hours, divided into shorter training sessions.

Are there disadvantages to using Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) can cause motion sickness or simulator sickness in some people. The symptoms of motion sickness in VR can include nausea, dizziness, sweating, and fatigue. This is because the VR experience can be so immersive that it can confuse the brain’s perception of balance and movement, causing a mismatch between what the eyes see and what the body feels.

Can VR be used for recruitment?

VR can be a useful tool for recruitment as it provides a more immersive and engaging experience for potential candidates. VR can simulate real-world scenarios and environments, allowing candidates to experience what it would be like to work in a particular role or industry before applying or accepting a job offer. VR can also be used to test candidates’ skills and abilities in a simulated environment, providing a more objective and standardized assessment. For example, a company could create a VR simulation of a factory floor or a customer service scenario, and assess candidates’ performance in that environment.