VR Safe Mooring Training

Safe mooring in Virtual Reality

We build this project together with the input from industry experts in a record time of 2 months. 

They supplied their content for the Virtual Reality experience in a very fast and efficient way. 

They plan to use this experience for 4 years during interactive sessions of their safety days across Belgium. 

Using Virtual Reality enables Equans to:

Sensitize their technicians

The technician company wanted to have their employees learn about the different alternatives of ladders. We achieved this by showing different possibilities for every task at height. 


Experiencing a danger in VR will engrain in your memory. Our experience is sure to have helped technicians mitigate hidden dangers at their workplace.


Equans plans to use this experience for 8000 people during the coming 4 years.

More projects

We have implemented many successful projects for clients across industries.


Take the step and innovate

We have all the expertise you need to design, build and implement XR solutions that make a difference. Let’s have a talk about how you can innovate using emerging technologies.